DPF EGR Lambda Remover 2017.05 Software + keygen+INSTALL video guide
DPF-FLAP Remover v2017.5
EGR-DTC Remover v2017.5
LAMBDA Remover v2017.3
Operation system: Win7 , Win 8, Win 10
maybe It is detected as False Positive by some AntiVirus Programs so don't worry, is normal.
Disable AntiVirus
This programs they are very easy to use,even for a beginner,you just need to select the right car and ECU.
If you have selected the ECU of your Car then the program will make the solution DPF or EGR OFF automatically.
Software working in 3 steps:
1 - Select the car model
2 - Load the file to fix
3 - Save the final FIXED file.
All operations they are done by software automatically. Users just need to read - write the files with the well known equipment's to ECU.
No Internet needed, No count, No any limit, No-Limit files!