Monday, September 27, 2021

Launch Easydiag 3.0 - Things to Consider When Buying an OBD2 Scanner


Launch Easydiag - Things to Consider When Buying an OBD2 Scanner


One of the most popular things in the automotive market right now is OBD2 scanners launch easydiag. These scanning tools are revolutionary because they can help you figure out so much about your vehicles. Especially nowadays, where we all own high tech, advanced vehicles, we must keep an OBD2 scanner with us to ensure that we are driving a safe and sound car, bike or truck.

To make you understand the importance in a more detailed way, we’d suggest you to think of a scenario where your car’s engine lights turn on and you are on the highway and you can’t call for a professional either. You can’t stop the car midway, you can’t drive it as you don’t know if it’s safe or not and calling help means that it will take you around 2 to 3 hours for someone to come and fix the issue. What if the issue wasn’t that big? What if the engine lights were on just because the fuel cap was a little loose? Wouldn't you be disappointed to stress over such a minor issue? Well, of course you would be and to save you from such situations, an OBD2 scanner can work wonders.

The main purpose of an OBD2 scanner is to help read the codes, identify your vehicle and let you reprogram multiple components of your vehicle’s CPU. In a nutshell, for a safe and stress free driving experience you must carry a scanner with you.

Things to Consider When Buying An OBD2 Scanner

There are several different brands and types of OBD2 scanners that you’ll come across in the market and in the online stores. But what you must know is that not all of them are worth your money. You should be investing in something reputable and as great as the Launch Easydiag. This can save you from a lot of trouble of ending up with the wrong scanner.

Here are a few things to consider when you want to buy an OBD2 scanner to make sure that it brings you the best bang for your buck;


1-Level of functionality

The first thing to consider is the level of functionality. Do you want a basic scanner or a high end scanner that comes packed with features? Of course, the basic scanner will be able to handle only a few aspects of your car and it will have limited functionalities but with a high end scanner, you can literally change the whole course of your car. From live feed to ABS control and even air inadequate control, the high end ones have a lot to offer. However, it all depends on your needs! Buying a basic diagnostic tool isn’t bad especially when you know that you’d just need a few basic functions.


2-Upgrading Scope

An OBD2 scanner is a little expensive so why not buy something that comes with a good upgrading scope in the future? Of course, the cars will change, their systems will change so you need a scanner to cope with these changes which is why always consider the upgrading scope when looking for a good diagnostic tool for your car.



The next thing to check is the compatibility of the scanner that you are investing your money in. You wouldn’t like to end up with a scanner that doesn’t even work on your car right? So check the number of vehicles and make sure that the scanner is compatible with and then make a final purchase decision. This is of utmost importance where you are buying a commercial grade scanner or a basic scanner for your individual needs.


Launch Easydiag - The Best OBD2 Scanner


Now that you know about the things you should consider when buying an OBD2 scanner, let’s talk about the best one in the market. Of course here we are referring you to none other than the Launch Easydiag. It’s a one great diagnostic solution for almost all the cars out there and what’s best is that it comes packed with all the features that you’d want in an OBD2 scanner.


Especially the fact that it’s a one budget friendly solution based on tablets and phones with both the operating systems of Android and iOS vehicle owners. The basic version of this tool uses OBD-II protocols to diagnose the engine of your vehicle. In the future, if you need more features and want more control over your vehicle then you can buy those features and upgrade your OBD2 scanner.


Launch Easydiag is the talk of the town for all the right reasons. It’s basic and it's budget friendly but then you can invest more money in it and get special features as per your needs. This is the kind of scanner you should have for your vehicle. Not only this but even the repair shops and technicians own this scanner as it delivers them the best results and it’s compatible with most of the makes and car models out there. In other words, there’s no drawback to buying this scanner and it’s the best for first time buyers and the experts both. When you buy this tool, here’s what you get with it;


. Diagnostic adapter EasyDiag OBD-II

. OBD-II cover

. Envelope with password

. User’s manual

. Packaging

These are all the things you’d probably need so you should definitely think about getting this Launch Easydiag scanner tool for your vehicle. It’s very easy to use and you won’t need any professional help with it because it comes with a proper instructions manual that can guide you on how and where to use it.


Now that you know the things you should consider when buying an OBD2 scanner and the best one in the market, everything’s clear for you. This is the right time to get the best Launch Easydiag scanning tool to make sure that you have complete control over your car. We assure you that with the Launch Easydiag tool, there won’t be anything for you left to worry about.

Autel Im608 - Buying Guide and Review


Autel Im608 - Buying Guide and Review


If you are here today, it’s obvious that you understand the importance of having a car diagnostic tool. However, it might be possible that this is your first time buying the scanner and you are just confused where to invest your money. For starters, you should know that Autel has always been under the limelight for being the best brand that offers quality car diagnostic tools and scanners. So no matter which model you are buying, it will always bring you the best value for your money.


Speaking of Autel, the autel im608 is the latest and the most advanced tool in the market that comes packed with all the features you require. Whether you want to test your system or want a professional automotive programmer, the autel im608 will help you with anything.


Considering the number of different OBD2 scanners available in the market, it can be a little overwhelming to decide which one to pick. But with the Autel Im608, we assure you that you won’t ever have to worry about anything. It’s a one worthy OBD2 scanner with all the functions and features you could possibly need for your car diagnosis.


Overall Review of Autel Im608


Of course when you want to buy a diagnostic tool, you need proper reasoning to go for a particular model or a brand. Now brand wise, we’ve already cleared you that Autel is always the best but if you are doubtful about the Autel Im608 model then stick with us a little longer. We are now going to review this scanner for you in detail so that you can make a wiser decision.


One of the best things about the Autel Im608 is that it comes with locksmith level key programming. It’s compatible with around 80 makes and models and it has all the features you need to check your vehicle or to program it as per your needs. Moreover, it’s suitable for both the professional technicians, mechanics and even individuals who want to keep a scanning toll with them at all times.


It’s light in weight and compact in design so carrying it around in your pocket won’t be an issue for anyone. When it comes to memory, this device has an internal memory of 64GB which is enough to record and store any data. Moreover, it comes with the Samsung hexa-core processor which is quite fast so using this tool will be fun for you. Furthermore, when connecting this device to your car, you don’t have to worry about the AD or DC adapter because the Autel im608 comes equipped with all the necessary cords and cables. You just have to connect it to your car and it will be good to go for you.


As far as its coverage is concerned, the Autel im608 offers complete IMMO and other important programming functions because of the MaxiFlash JVCI re-programmer and XP400 key programmer. One main reason why this tool is best for you is that it comes with a smart mode that’s best for beginners or technicians who are just getting started. Then there’s this “Expert” mode which is suitable for professionals who know how to use this device to program their vehicles. With this tool, the identification of vehicles won’t be a problem for you as it comes equipped with the VIN scan functions. You can view the live data, record it and it even offers a playback option. You can read and then erase the data just when you need it. You’ll be able to locate DTC issues faster than an OBD2 computer so this machine totally deserves your attention!


IM608 Functionality


The IM608 comes with some of the best IMMO functionalities. Including;


Advanced key learning and remote learning are easy for the users. Moreover you can easily access Add key and automated key learning

ECU brain reset coding and brain reset adaption

It functions with multiple chip types like the EEPROM chip. You can also read or write the IC card as per your requirements

Transponder alterations for  Audi MQB along with VWs


High Quality Interface


One of the major assets with which this tool comes is that it has a very easy to use Android interface which isn’t something you usually get with the other diagnostic devices. The 1920×1200 megapixel resolution gives you the kind of clean and crystal clear display you need to check all the information and details of your car. On top of it, there’s this touch screen navigation that makes it easier for you to reset or program your vehicle as per your requirements. Even if the vehicle isn’t familiar, the Autel im608 will still work wonders for you and provide you all the features you want when diagnosing your car.


Build Quality

A diagnostic device is supposed to be solid enough to withstand any tough conditions. Here the Autel im608 wins because it has a strong and durable solid body that can help you no matter where you want to use this device. It comes with a 15000mAh battery which will be enough for an entire day. You can also take photos of the process with the 8 megapixel rear camera.


Some Drawbacks of the Autel im608

Just like any other diagnostic tool, this one comes with a few drawbacks too. For example, it doesn’t work with vehicles built before 1996 and you can’t easily find battery replacements for it. Overall, it’s a great device with no other drawback that can possibly affect the diagnostic process.

Well, its pros outweigh its drawback you can Buy it confidentially; we assure you that it would be one of the greatest investments ever. Its each and every feature works efficiently with any device. This is one of cost effective solution ever. 

Autel AutoLink AL519 - Is It Worth Buying?


Autel AutoLink AL519 - Is It Worth Buying?


Having a diagnostic scanner at your end is always a great idea. Especially if you own an advanced vehicle and don’t understand the error codes when your engine light turns up then you must have a scanning tool. This won’t just save you all that extra diagnosis and repair time, in fact, it will also save you a lot of money. Usually mechanics and technicians charge a huge amount when there’s something wrong with your car. Not only it requires a lot of time but a lot of money too when you take your car to a professional.


Don’t you think it’s better to have a diagnostic tool yourself and check if your car ever starts showing signs of trouble? What if the problem isn’t as big as you think it is? What if the engine light is on just because the fuel cap isn’t placed properly? It can be anything from minor trouble that you can fix yourself to major warning signs where you should stop your car immediately and take it to a professional.


Speaking of diagnostic tools, today we are going to talk about the Autel AutoLink AL519 device. This one has been the talk of the town for quite a while now and it makes sense considering all the features and functions it comes with. Remember that you should always buy a scanning tool when you are sure that it’s offering the features that you need to diagnose your vehicle.


All You Need To Know About Autel AutoLink AL519

When it comes to one of the most popular diagnostic scan tools, we can’t help but mention Autel. It has always been the number 1 choice for most of the technicians and mechanics out there so if you want the best value for your money, you should definitely invest in this too. It’s a great code reading device with features that everyone would want in the best diagnostic tool. It’s not just for the professionals out there but it’s also the best option for individuals who always want to keep a scanning tool with them when traveling.


Price of the Autel AutoLink AL519

If you are on a tight budget and want something affordable then without a doubt you should try the Autel AutoLink AL519 tool. It’s a budget friendly device and it’s quite compact in design too. One of the best things about this scanning tool is that it’s portable. A light in weight device that you can carry anywhere you want to! Moreover, it comes with a TFT screen and a built-in speaker that makes it easier for you to read and understand the codes. It also supports all of the 10 mode OBD2 tests that help in full vehicle diagnosis.


In case you run out of power, you won’t have anything to worry about because this device comes with lithium metal batteries that serve as a backup. It’s popular mainly because of the versatility it offers. In simpler words, this reader is best for any car model built after 1996.


Features of the Autel AutoLink AL519


As said earlier, the Autel AutoLink AL519 is a one feature rich tool that comes with everything possible you need. Starting with;


Live and freeze frame data options

Huge TFT screen

It turns off the engine check light immediately

Easy to use

One click readiness key

You can read, record and playback the data or watch it live

Comes with built in speakers

It works on all cars that came after 1996

Lithium metal batteries can serve as a power backup

Light in weight and compact in design

For compatibility with new vehicles, you can update it using the internet

Color coded LEDs


Benefits of Buying The Autel AutoLink AL519


Now that you know about some of the main features of this device, it will be easier for you to decide whether you should invest your money in or not. However, if you still need some more convincing reasons to buy it then sticks along. We are now going to jot down some basic benefits that you’ll be enjoying with this diagnostic tool.


1-Durable Construction

When buying a diagnostic scanner, you have to consider the build of the device because these devices are to be used in tough surroundings. Now the benefit of having Autel AutoLink AL519 is that it’s made up of durable quality material and it can withstand any tough condition. In simpler words, you won’t have to worry about replacing this tool for a long time.


2-Compact Design

A diagnostic device is supposed to be compact enough to fit your pocket and it should be light in weight too so that you can carry it around easily. This is something Autel takes quite seriously which is why the AutoLink AL519 is both compact and light-weight.


3-Built In Speaker and Large Display

Two more important factors to consider when buying a scanning tool are; built in speakers and the display size. Guess what? The Autel AutoLink AL519 is again best here because it comes with both these things. The display and the speaker make it easier for the user to understand and read the codes.



Usually these scanners are a little expensive but when it comes to the AutoLink AL519, you don’t have to worry about the money! It’s a one budget friendly device that comes with all the features that you need. In other words, you won’t have to compromise on the quality and functionality just to save yourself a little money.



Considering all the benefits and features of the AutoLink AL519, it’s quite clear that you must have this tool with you at all times. You wouldn’t want to spend so much money on a diagnostic tool and then find out that it’s not even worth it. So if you want to save yourself from such disappointments then don’t wait any further and buy this device right away. It’s totally worth it and it will bring you your desired results.